
可爱爽口魔鬼蛋Deviled Egg---家有小女初下厨

周日上午教会崇拜结束回家后,宝妮自告奋勇要为全家做午餐,妈妈自然大力支持,并积极充当助手,母女俩一番讨论后,根据家里现有的食材,定出菜单:Starter: devilled eggs开胃菜:魔鬼蛋, Mains: Teriyaki Salmon with Garlic n Herb Spaghetti and vegetable  salad主食:照烧三文鱼,大蒜香草意大利面,蔬菜沙拉,DessertMango Cheese Cake甜点:芒果芝士蛋糕 (头天晚上女儿已经和妈妈一起做好放冰箱冷藏着啦)。

雪白的蛋白托着金黄的蛋黃,好看又好吃,很可爱的另类鸡蛋吃法,不知道谁给起了这么一个可怕的名字,Deviled Egg魔鬼蛋,据说魔鬼指的是调味料的辣,可见通常的魔鬼蛋是加辣椒的。但我们把辣椒去掉啦,加了孩子们爱吃的酸黄瓜,非常爽口柔滑,弟弟让姐姐明天还做,后天还做和女儿一起做可爱爽口的魔鬼蛋 

魔鬼蛋Deviled Eggs
准备材料:大号鸡蛋 4个、蛋黄酱 2大勺、芥末酱 1/2小勺、酸黄瓜  两小根、盐、现磨黑胡椒 适量  
1、 鸡蛋放入水中煮熟,水开后煮7-10分钟,过凉水,剥壳。
2、 酸黄瓜切碎。
3、 将鸡蛋纵向对半切开,用勺子挖出蛋黄。
4、 蛋黄里加蛋黄酱 芥末酱 和切碎的酸黄瓜 拌匀,加盐 现磨黑胡椒调味。
5、 将混合好的蛋黄泥用勺子填回蛋白中。喜辣的可以撒少许红辣椒粉paprika在上面



                   午饭吃的太饱,饭后甜点成了下午茶。Taste like mango ice cream,女儿的最爱。,

Deviled Eggs
4 large eggs2 Tbsp mayonnaise1/2 tsp Dijon mustard,  salt,  ground pepper,  2 small gherkin 
Step 1.
Put the eggs in the saucepan and fill half full with water. Set over medium heat. When the water bubbles gently,  cook for another 7-10 minutes.
Step 2.
Chop the Gherkin into small  pieces .
Step 3.
Remove the saucepan from the heat and place it in the sink. Run cold water over the eggs until both the water and the pan feel cool. Let the eggs cool in the water for 10 minutes. When the eggs are cool enough to handle, take them out of the water. Roll each egg on the work surface to crack the shell. Carefully peel off the eggshell.
Step 4.
Put the eggs on the cutting board. Using the knife, cut each egg in half lengthwise. Use the spoon to scoop the yolks out of the eggs and into the bowl. Put the egg white halves on a serving platter and set aside. Add the mayonnaise and mustard to the bowl with the yolks. Use the spoon to mash them all together into a paste. mix the chopped gherkin into the egg yolk mixture.
Step 5.
Carefully spoon a small mound of the yolk mixture back into each egg white half.If you like spicy flavour ,sprinkle some paprika on top of the egg yolk.
Serve immediately.

